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Who can apply to the High Performance Academy? 


The Academy is geared toward the rep-level athlete who is highly motivated and focused on reaching his or her highest hockey and academic potential. House athletes are accepted if their passion and motivation levels match the physical demands of the program. Workouts and ice times are intense and require focus and dedication towards improvement. Coach references may be required as part of acceptance.


How much does it cost?


The cost for the Academy is $2250 for grades 8-10 and $1125 for grades 11 and 12. Deposit of $750 is due on Oct 15 of the upcoming school year. Payments of $750 will be due on Feb 15 and April 15 of the Academy semester. Payment plans and financial assistance available. Inquire early.



How do we apply for the Academy? 


Please complete the online application form found on this website's APPLY page. Once electronically submitted, you will receive an email that your application has been received.


* Space is limited and there is a deadline to apply. Late applications that are approved will be placed in a random selection lottery draw for possible remaining spots.



Where do the students store their hockey gear? 


Gear storage and stick lock up are provided at EMS.



How does transportation and timing of off-campus training work?


FOR MORNING SESSIONS: Bus transportation is provided from off-campus training facilities to EMS. For example, if your son has a morning ice time on Tuesday, you will only need to get him to the rink (usually 8:45am start times at South Surrey Arena). A bus will then be provided to take him and his gear back EMS. Don’t forget to take the gear home at the end of the day from EMS!


FOR AFTERNOON SESSIONS: Bus transportation is provided to off-campus facilities. For example, if your daughter has an afternoon dryland session on Wednesday, you will be required to pick her up from Semiahmoo Athletic Club.


FOR MIDDAY SESSIONS: Two-way bus transportation will be provided. For example, if your son has a midday workout at Semiahmoo Athletic Club, he will be bussed there and back to EMS. 



How do I keep track of all the ice times and dryland sessions?


The Academy uses TeamSnap to keep parents informed of all Academy events.



In which blocks will my son/daughter have the Academy?


Your son or daughter will be placed in two second semester Academy blocks. These placements will be determined mainly by grade level and elective class choices by the 9’s and 10’s. Grade 8’s do not receive elective class choices and will be placed in the stream that best accommodates their schedule to take the discovery rotation which contains the Career’s 8 section (as that section is required by the Ministry).



Which elective classes will my son/daughter likely give up to attend the Academy?


He or she will receive grade level Physical and Health Education (PHE) credits and will therefore not be required to take regular PHE. In addition to PHE 8, the grade 8’s will also give up the discovery rotation not containing Careers 8. In addition to PHE 9 or 10, the grade 9’s and 10’s will give up one elective class.



My son/daughter will be in the French Immersion Program at EMS. Can he/she take part in the Academy?


Yes. Course scheduling usually allows for this. This may be one of the other working elements involved in determining which stream of the Academy your daughter/son is placed in.



My daughter wants to participate in the Academy. How do you place the girls in the program?


The Program Coordinator will attempt to place all female students in the same Academy stream to provide the best learning atmosphere for the girls.  


My son wants to play Rugby as well as attend the Academy. Will the schedule allow him to do both?


Yes. The Academy schedule operates within school hours. This is one of the great advantages of training during the school day. Time after school and in the evenings if freed up for other athletic and life pursuits.


My son/daughter does not live in Earl Marriott’s catchment area. Can he still attend the Academy?


Yes. However, there is a process and a waitlist for all out of catchment students hoping to attend EMS. Please contact our school office at 604-531-8354 and for details on applying to attend EMS from an out of catchment area. 


What if my son/daughter needs to take the school bus? 


Unfortunately, this does create some timing issues. It's best to contact if you are certain dropping off  in the morning or picking up after school is an impossibility. There may be some options available.




© 2019 EMS Hockey Skills Academy

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